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M-GLAS® liquid cover glass for microscopy, is used in cytology instead of a cover glass to ensure that the stained specimens are homogenously covered. A few drops are applied onto the specimen, taking care that the mounting medium is evenly distributed over the specimen material. After the solvent has evaporated, a solid, protective lacquer film remains that ensures that the specimen material is preserved. The M-GLAS® layer is not resilient to immersion oils. In exceptional cases, the time for which the specimen is exposed to the immersion oil should be kept to less than 10 minutes, since otherwise a residue-free removal of the oil can no longer be guaranteed. If the exposure time is longer, it is recommended to remove as much of the immersion oil from the specimen as possible, immerse it in xylene, and to mount it anew. This product is registered as IVD and CE marked.

Refractive index (20°C) 1.490 - 1.500
Density (20°C / 4°C) 0.980 g/cm3
Viscosity (20°C) 500 - 600 mPa*s
Fluorescence < 250 ppb



--.-- EUR

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