The products are delivered within 2-5 days for the territory of Bulgaria


556 00

Swivel 15 mm connector provides easy handling
Flexible neckplate with slits for strap insertion providing secure positioning
Designated size and nominal outside diameter markings on the neckplate
Reliable inflation apparatus comprising of inflating tube, pilot balloon, and a check-valve with luer connection
Soft, thin-walled, high-volume, low-pressure cuff
Atraumatic, soft rounded tip, transparent, curved cannula
Clear radiopaque line facilitates to help spatial positioning
Obturator to prevent tissue drag an lumen obstruction




--.-- EUR

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This case study is only valid when ordering chemical reagents that cannot be sent by a courier service that does not have a license to transport dangerous goods, such as the reagents themselves. Our refusal to send chemicals by Econt or Speedy is because the couriers themselves refuse to take such cargoes, due to lack of ADR. Therefore, such orders are fulfilled through Transpress or another shipping company meeting the requirements.

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