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    Кана с метална цедка за чай от 1100 мл 3240/MET


    Това е идеалният чайник. Металното сито е подходящо например за билков чай. Чайникът може да се използва със или без него. Дизайнът на стъклото дава възможност за представяне на чая. Чайникът е изработен от устойчиво стъкло SIMAX, което издържа на температури до 300°C. В същото време може да се използва за приготвяне на студен чай, тъй като издържа на температури до минус 40°C. Одобрен е за контакт с храни както в домашни, така и в професионални помещения. Всички продукти се контролират съгласно разпоредбите за здраве и безопасност на Чешката република от независим орган. Всички продукти са направени от стъкло, което не съдържа кадмий или олово. Моля, оставете да се охлади бавно и измийте с неабразивни материали.

    Хромотропова киселина динатриева сол дихидрат С433


    Основно вещество мин. 99%

    За изследване на:
    Ag, ClO3-, Cr, Hg, NO2-, NO32-, Ti

    Hydrochloric Acid-Alcohol - Mixture (0.75 % HCl) solution for clinical diagnostics 257097


    Hydrochloric Acid-Alcohol - Mixture (0.75 % HCl) solution for clinical diagnostics
    Specifications: Hydrochloric Acid: 0.75 %

    Methanol (Reag. Ph. Eur.) for HPLC gradient / UHPLC supergradient, ACS 221091


    Minimum assay (G.C.): 99.9%
    Identity: IR passes test
    Density 20/4: 0.791-0.792
    Suitability: for gradient acc. to ACS: passes test
    Maximum limit of impurities
    APHA colour: 10
    Acidity: 0.0002 meq/g
    Alkalinity: 0.0002 meq/g
    Insoluble matter in H2O: passes test
    Non-volatile matter: 0.0002 %
    Reducing substance to KMnO4: passes test
    Darkened substances by H2SO4: passes test
    Carbonyl compounds (as CH3COCH3): 0.001%
    Base line drift (235 nm): 15 mUA
    Water (H2O): 0.03 %
    Gradient at 235 nm: 2 mUA
    Gradient at 254 nm: 1 mUA
    Fluorescence at 254 nm (as quinine): 1 ppb
    Fluorescence at 365 nm (as quinine): 0.5 ppb
    UV Spectrum (1cm cell; Ref.: water):
    Transmittance at 205 (Cut off) nm: ≥10%
    Transmittance at 210 nm: ≥30%
    Transmittance at 220 nm: ≥60%
    Transmittance at 230 nm: ≥80%
    Transmittance at 240 nm: ≥90%
    Transmittance at 260-400 nm: ≥98%
    Data of interest in HPLC:
    Rohrschneider Polarity: 5.1
    Eluotropic value e° (Al2O3): 0.95
    Sol. H2O in solv. at 20°C: miscible
    Microfiltered product (0.2 μm) and bottled under nitrogen atmosphere.
    Conforms to Methanol R1 and R2 according to Reag. Ph. Eur.

    1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N,N'-tetraacetic acid for synthesis 133534


    Different packaging sizes

    1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (PAN) 107531


    Absorption maximum: 461-465
    Melting point: 136-141
    Identity: confirmed

    Contiburette µ 10 without motor 40210


    Conformity certified, with thread connection A 32, without bottle
    Complete with
    –  discharge tube, bent
    –  suction tube
    –  2 additional thread adapters A 45 and A 40
    – directions for use

    Continuous supply and measurement in the most common volume range from 0.01 up to 500 ml – using only one device.
    It is possible to titrate even larger volumes up to max. 9999.99 ml.
    – can be calibrated
    – electronic measuring system
    – liquid supplied is indicated to two decimal places
    – minimal setting units 10 µl
    – no glass piston, no valves, minimal dead volume
    – self-venting, measuring errors due to trapped gas or air bubbles are being avoided
    – mechanical parts made of highly acid-resistant aluminium oxide (99.7 Al2O3)
    – free rotatable on the bottle
    – including two batteries AA 1.5 V for approx. 500 operating hours

    DURAN® Vigreux columns 2424072


    with glass jacket, with 2 NS 29/32, length 450 mm

    EMSharps 12001


    Normax - volumes 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 30 and 50 l

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