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Digital burette



Volumes 25 ml and 50 ml
The VITLAB® Burette allows continuous titration, resulting in fast, convenient and accurate results. The angled display shows the 4-position titration volume in large, easily visible numbers, making operation easy. The rotation of the two handwheels supplies the titration solution continuously and without pressure through the specially developed double piston pump. Filling procedures are not necessary. This innovative technology increases safety - its compact design and low center of gravity reduce the risk of tipping over, especially with smaller bottles. The height and length of the discharge pipe can be adjusted, allowing both low and tall bottles to be handled safely. The innovative recirculation system prevents the loss of valuable reagent and reduces the risk of splashes.
Included in delivery:
VITLAB® burette E / RS (GL 45 thread), 3 threaded adapters (GL 32, GL 38 and S 40), telescopic filling tube (200 - 350 mm), telescopic discharge tube (140 - 220 mm), two microbatteries 1.5 V (LR 03 / AAA), quality certificate and operating manual.


--.-- EUR

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